Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bad Feather Day

We only laid one egg for them today. The People spent lots of time searching, but we are not going to let them get into the habit of expecting two or more eggs a day!

We still don't know what the blue spaceship is holding, but there is a yellow snake running from the house to it for some reason. Good thing we aren't afraid of snakes any more like our ancestors were, as the People also have a green one and a black on on the grass. They are strange snakes though as they don't move much unless a Person tries to pick them up.

We have finally found out what that big thing the People keep going into is. It is a barn! No wonder it felt familiar! We should be living in there and the People should be in our sheltered accommodation!

It was quite windy today so we knocked on the door but they wouldn't let us in. A couple of times they left the door open and we came in, but they shooed us out. Eventually we found another door round the other side that they had left opened because there was a snake drinking from a tap. We went in there but they foiled us again. There was a half door to stop us from getting into the main barn! But at least we got out of the wind and we did leave our 'calling cards' all over the floor for them to let them know we were there.

One of our sisters forgot to wrap her egg today in a shell. She also dedicated it wasn't worth laying in the garden as it was so windy so she went into the nest box at four in the afternoon to lay her egg. Now the People know that one of us is laying in the afternoon, we hope they won't lock us in then too!

We hung out around this black table thing that the People sit at to have their food. They should really try eating off the ground, much more hygienic! But at least this black thing has an underneath and is in a good position to keep an eye on the door to the barn, so that we can get in when they are not looking.

We went to bed early this evening, as it was so windy. That wind is really giving us a bad feather day!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Space Ships

Our big Person got up a little earlier this morning and managed to let us out, but it refused to let us out of our sheltered housing, so two of us had to lay our eggs in the nest box again. It would be so much more fun for them to have to search around the garden for the eggs.

When the Small Person came out to let us out, it had a much Bigger Person with it, who didn't seem as easy around us. In fact the Bigger Person didn't seem to want us to go into the Person's ark.

Just as we got out it started to rain, and as we are fair feathered friends, we went back into our home, and our Person shut us in. Then these two hooligans (our People call them ducks, we just call them a nuisance) started hanging around looking for food! How dare they! We told them off very loudly. But then we think that the Small Person thought it was a duck too as he ran around flapping his wings and quacking at them until the hooligans flew away. We were hoping that the Small Person would fly away too, but its feathers don't seem to be up to much.

The People have started giving us more interesting food too. We had fun with a couple of carrots, and played a lot of chase the worm, when one of our sisters would find a worm and run away with it. This kept the Persons amused all day. In fact we think that they are trying to be like us as they keep following us around! But we are not going to give up our worms to them.

They did this thing with the worms and the bell again. Goodness know what that is all about, but we like the worms so we don't complain.

In the afternoon this huge blue space ship appeared in the middle of the garden. We were a bit confused as a Person's head appeared over the top of it at one point and startled us. We are not sure what this blue spaceship means to us, but it seems to be catching the attention of the People.

I guess we might find out what it is for tomorrow.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Great Escape

We had a good first night, even if our People didn't sleep with us. We don't understand why they would want to rough it in that funny house of theirs when they could join us in ours!

They also seem a bit lazy in the getting up routine. We had to shout at them to let down the drawbridge this morning . But at least they did give us a bit more of that boring food. We were starved!

Afterwards we went back up and had a little snooze. We decided to surprise them with a couple of eggs. We don't want them getting too dependant on us thinking that we are laying for them, we just thought we would give them a couple to keep them happy.

For some reason the big Person didn't collect them straight away. Very strange. It went back inside and left us, so we pottered about planning our escape. We shoved a bit and found that one end of the accommodation was a bit loose and pushed it over.

Then the little Person came out. We think he must be really lazy because he didn't appear until the sun was directly overhead. The first thing it did was make funny noises at us, then it looked in the nest box. 'Bout time someone collected those eggs. His face made a sort of funny grimace when it saw the eggs. Who knows what that was all about. Was it happy that we gave them two eggs, or sad, or angry? These People sure don't seem to know how to express themselves!

We were just about to make our escape at that point, so they stopped us, but then must have had second thoughts, and opened the other end of the accommodation. It was as if they thought that if they didn't let us out that end, we wouldn't know that we could get out that end. What silly people. We know we can get out both ends!

So free at last. We don't know what took them so long to let us out. It isn't as if we don't know the deal. We wonder around eating slug and snails and other delicious things, and they get a few eggs.

The People have a lovely shady patch just outside our house, but we think that they don't know much about gardening because there is a lot of moss. We don't mind, as it hides lots of buggy things and can result in a lovely dust bath too.

We found out a bit more about the People's accommodation. We thought it was a flat thing, but it turns out that it is really quite big and has a front and back and you can walk through it. We didn't think much of all the plastic bugs on their floor though as we couldn't eat them.

Later on we decided to play hide and cluck. We had followed the big Person down to the bottom of the grounds, and then they went back to the home to look at the end that we pushed out of, then disappeared into their own shabby house (it doesn't even have straw in it!) so we decided it was a good opportunity to hide. They found two of us straight away, but the other two of us managed to keep them seeking for some time. When we thought they had given up, we went back to slug hunting, only to find that we had been outsmarted; they quickly saw us as they had been waiting inside their house for us to come out.

The little person treated us again to some worms. It really does know the way to a hen's heart. But there was this little tinkling noise at the same time. We are not sure what they are up to, but something strange is going on.

The People also finally called us in the correct way. A little corn rattled in a cup is the signal that there is something for us at the house, and they finally figured this out. Not too smart these People as we had been trying to tell them that all day.

They also have this big black thing that clicks, which they say take photos. We have asked them to put our portraits up on our blog, but they have given some excuse about not having enough USB ports to make it work properly.

Well, we did say they were a little dim!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Moving Day

Well, we finally moved into our new home. We have been treated well by our previous People, but they felt that we needed to retire and move into Sheltered Accommodation, so after a few days holiday on a small holding, we have arrived at our new home.

I must say, our new People are very nice, but a bit dim. We shall have fun playing around with them. They are well meaning though which is a good thing. They had our house all ready for us. We have moved from the big Hall of Residence which we shared with many other ladies, to a lovely two story detached home.

They have put this really simple feeder up for us with some pellets. They are not organic but they will do for now. At least they are just as good as the ones supplied to us at the Hall of Residence. They also had a big silver bowl of water. We were quite thirsty and drank it all, so they filled it up again. But we will have to work on training them to give us some tasty treats because eating pellets all the time is going to be pretty boring.

We have high hopes for the Small Person. We don't know why, but they seem to have this half sized Person and it seems to be better at knowing what we want. Today it gave us some worms which were very tasty.

We seem to have a fairly restricted area at the moment, less than what we had at the Hall of Residence, but then we are not sharing it with hundreds of other ladies. However, both ends seem to open, so we will bide our time and make a break for it one day when our People aren't looking.

Speaking of which, we decided that we would play around with them today. They kept wondering if we would know to walk up the ramp to the first floor. Of course we do! We aren't as dim as our People are! So we decided to keep them guessing and waited until they went inside for dinner and then hopped it up to bed. They couldn't resist a peak at us when they came out to draw up the stairs, and they caught Porch in the nest box. She is head of the family at the moment, so she gets the best spot.

It is nice and quiet here at night. For some reason our People have gone inside rather than sleep out here with us. We don't mind, we feel safe and secure in our new Sheltered Accomadation.